What is Unposed / Baby Led Newborn Photography
One phrase that you may have read about online regarding newborn photography is ‘unposed’ or ‘baby led’ newborn photography.
This is a style of photography that I utilize in my lifestyle photography work, and you may wonder: why I don’t pose babies?
Well, I believe that newborn babies are perfect as they are.
I believe that their cute squished up bodies, soft fluffy hair, and long delicate fingers deserve to be remembered just how they are. I believe that a simple portrait of your newborn baby swaddled up with a favorite blanket is all that is needed to showcase their perfect newborn self. I’m not comfortable with forcing a baby into an unnatural or uncomfortable pose, and therefore utilize baby lead natural posing of newborns in their crib, bassinet, on the parents bed, etc. for all newborn portraits.
Babies Can Be Held For The Whole Session
I also believe that babies can be held for the entirety of their photo session, if that’s what they need. Sometimes babies are not in a deep sleep, and will startle or feel less secure when they are not held. This is perfectly fine, and part of where the term ‘baby led’ comes from.
What is ‘baby led’ photography?
I will follow the cues of the newborn at the session, and this includes allowing them to be held by mom, dad, or siblings if this is the closeness they need during their photos. We can still create beautiful portraits of newborn baby while secure in their parents arms. If your new babe is giving cues that it needs to feed, then we’ll take a feeding break. If you think that the baby needs to be walked around for a bit or burped, that’s what we’ll do. I follow the cues of the baby first and foremost and work the session around how they are doing.