How To Prepare Your Dog For Your Portland Photo Session

boy and girl sit on portland city stairs holding white golden doodle

I love when families bring their dog to their family photo session, as they are vital members of your family! It’s just as valuable to document your dogs stages (not just if they are puppies or seniors) and there are some easy tips to help you and your pup to be prepared for the session, and to make it as stress free as possible.

Choose the location wisely

First off, we need to ensure that the location we are selecting is ok to have dogs present (there are a few locations where dogs are not permitted). Then, to think about if your dog would do better at your home/yard than on location.

Plan to bring treats and toys

Having some toys to distract your pup when needed, and to entertain them is often helpful. If they have a favorite squeaky toy I love to use that to help get your dog to look at the camera a few times as well. Having treats to reward/bribe them for their good behavior or to get them to do some tricks is also useful.

Visit The Location Ahead Of Time

If your photo session is happening in a location that is new to your dog, then I highly recommend taking them to the location for a long walk so that they can get used to the sights and scents of the location. This will decrease some of their excitement that is typical when they arrive to a new location for the first time. They’ll be able to get used to all of the sights and sounds of the new place, and in turn they’ll be more relaxed on picture day.

Get Some Energy Out

Depending on your dog’s energy level, they may need some exercise prior to your photo session. Plan some time in your day prior to your session to play with your pop / and or take them on a long walk or run. By ensuring that they’ve used up some of their energy stores, they’ll be calmer during your photo session and relaxed as well.

Bring a Helper If Needed

You know your dog best, so if you think it will help everyone to relax, think about bringing a helper along to be responsible for your dog during some of the family photos. Also, ensure that you have a leash that can be secured around a table or bench if needed for some images that don’t include the dog. A retractable leash may not work well in this situation.

If you’ve brought your dog to your family photos, and have any additional tips, I’d love to hear them in the comments so that I can ensure all pups and doggie parents are prepared for fun family photos!


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Photography Session Location Feature: Cooper Mountain Nature Park