Oregon Tulip Festival 2019
A Tuesday Trip to the Tulip Fields
Every year when we lived overseas in Asia I would see beautiful images of tulip fields and kids frolicking in the flowers, and couldn’t wait to have an adventure there one day with my girls. So, since we now reside in Portland Oregon, I wasn’t about to let the spring pass by without our own trip out to the tulip festival.
Our first planned day was foiled by 3+ days of non stop rain, but in the end we had a great time heading out one afternoon after school.
We did get rained on a bit (actually it poured!) unexpectedly and were not able to take photos in the pink tulips, but I guess we have to leave something for next year, right?
The wooden shoe tulip festival was about a 50-60 minute drive from downtown Portland, and kids under 12 were free, which I thought was great!

Would you like to have lovely images of you and your family in the tulips next year?
Be sure to get on my mailing list, and lets discuss options in late March, early April depending on how the tulip season is going.